Last modified: 5th February 2023
Potentially implicated drugs:
Hartmann's solution
Potentially implicated drugs:
Characterised by a deficiency in either:
Glucose-6-phosphatase activity: GSD Ia
Glucose-6-phosphate translocase (microsomal transport protein): GSD Ib
These proteins are expressed primarily in liver, kidney, and intestine.
An autosomal recessive disease characterised by an inability to use the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme in glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.
Patients are often diagnosed in infancy when the duration between feeds increases, leading to hypoglycaemia and lactic acidosis.
Accumulation of glycogen and fat leads to hepatomegaly and nephromegaly, with associated organ dysfunction.
Intellectual disability and seizures can result from repeated severe hypogycaemia.
[Bali et al, 2021]
Expert opinion
Theoretical risk of accumulation of lactate (i.e. the conjugate base of lactic acid), which can confound assessment of acid-base status.
However, lactate-containing fluids have been used in several patients without incident in one case series [Gurrieri et al, 2017].
Expert opinion
Impaired gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis leads to a poor tolerance for fasting and high risk of perioperative hypoglycaemia. Provision of enteral or intravenous glucose-containing solution and frequent blood glucose monitoring is recommended.
Expert opinion
Administration of glucagon for hypoglycaemia is unlikely to raise blood glucose levels even with minimal fasting. In addition, it may increase lactic acid production.
Historically used to screen for glycogen storage diseases [Dunger et al, 1982], the glucagon stimulation test is no longer recommended.
Expert opinion
A proportion of patients exhibit a bleeding diathesis, which has been attributed to platelet dysfunction [Czpek et al, 1973] and reduced von Williebrand factor levels [Muhlhausen et al, 2005].
Drugs that affect platelet function should be used with caution.
Current Anesthesiology Reports 2019 in Medicine 2014 Journal of Pediatrics 1962 J Dis Child 1985 Dis Child 1982 Anesthesiol 2017